The Omaha Quilters’ Guild is one of the largest quilting organizations in the state
with over 300 members devoted to the appreciation and preservation of quilts and the perpetuation
of the art and the craft of quilt making through education and participation.

Our guild, established in 1975, is richly documented, and reminds us of our roots. The library is a wonderful source of inspiration for projects.
Members enjoy popular quilting artists and authors during our programs. The annual Fall Retreat is a chance to get away from it all,
with fabric and friends. Rising Stars gets members connected with other quilters, learning from each other. Small Groups are several friends
sharing the joy of quilting together. Workshops taught by our speakers offer the opportunity to have hands on lessons.
The annual quilt show is an opportunity for members to display their art publicly.  We have several committees whose main focus
is to produce quilts or provide support for people in our community.  The Omaha Quilters’ Guild offers something for quilters of all skill levels.


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  1. Officers & Committees for 2024-2025


    These positions are defined in the by-laws, and are part of the Executive Committee. Technically the immediate past president isn’t an elected officer, but is still a part of the Executive Committee.

    Position Name E-mail
    President Kerby Selmer
    President Elect Carol Nish
    Vice Presidents of Programming Yvonne Wilson
    Corresponding Secretary Dorothy Lange
    Recording Secretary Tania Uram
    Treasurer Patty Alexander
    Advisor/Past President Eilene Hengen

    Standing Committees

    Members of standing committees are also officers and thus part of the Executive Committee.

    Position Name E-mail
    Historian/Photographer Yvonne Wilson
    Membership Chair Melissa Peters
    Newsletter Amanda Frampton
    Groups IO Amy Robertson
    Quilt Show Vicki Hoskovec & Kitty Bailey


    Members of these committees are not part of the Executive Committee, and are thus non-voting. As per our bylaws, Committees shall be appointed as needed and dissolved by the President. So if you would like to start a new committee, please contact our president.

    Position Name E-mail
    Block Exchange Barbara Andrysik
    Bus Trip
    Camp WannaMakeaBlankie Eilene Hengen
    Caring Friends Auction Nancy Wells
    Childrens’ Emergency Fund Jessica Selega
    Golden Thimble Award Nancy Wells, Angella Arndt, Eileen Hengen
    Helping Hands Angie Reed
    Holiday Party Angella Arndt
    Librarian Barb Trochim
    Long-Range Planning Cindy Erickson
    Mystery Quilt Janelle Reed
    OQG 50 Year Committee Cindy Erickson, Amy Robertson, Angella Arndt
    OQG Facebook Nancy Wells & Amy Robertson
    Properties Andi Chakravarti
    Quilt Mom Kerby Selmer
    Quilts for Veterans Kerby Selmer
    Rising Stars

    Zanteen Dean
    Santa’s Workshop Ona Steinauer
    Stocking Challenge Molly Phillips
    Webstitcher Kerby Selmer
  2. History

    In October, 1975, the Omaha Squares Quilt Club and the Prairie Quilters merged membership and resources to become the Omaha Quilters’ Guild. Approximately twenty-five women met monthly and even held workshops in each others homes, teaching such skills and sharing as many ideas as were had by anyone. Carol Uebner served a two-year term as the group’s first president, and the new guild grew rapidly. (Dues were originally only $3 per year!)

    Our first quilt show was held in the spring of 1978. The first newsletter followed on March 20, 1979, and the library was established during the 1981-82 guild year. In 1986 talented OQG members designed and began to construct our own area quilt, with its official naming and unveiling ceremony held in May, 1987.

    We were incorporated in January, 1988, and received our 400th member during our April 1994 meeting. As one of the largest organizations in our state devoted to the appreciation and preservation of quilts and the perpetuation of the art and the craft of quiltmaking through education and participation, the Omaha Quilters’ Guild continues its commitment in bringing you wonderful programs, exciting annual quilt shows, and the fellowship that makes all the rest possible.

  3. Historical Documents

    Our guild historian documents our activities with photos and literature pertaining to the guild’s history. She can be seen at all guild functions with her camera and notebook. We welcome donations of photos from workshops, quilts you know and love, small member meetings and other functions where quilters gather.

    Our historian maintains a complete history – both documents and photographs – going back to our beginning in 1975. The total volume of historical information is astounding and is a true treasure for not only our Guild but for the history of quilting.

  4. Past Presidents
    Name Term
    Carol Uebner 1976 to 1978
    Kay Smith 1978 to 1980
    Nancy Koehler 1980 to 1981
    Lorraine Fitzgerald 1981 to 1982
    Shirley Ott 1982 to 1983
    Mary Johnson 1983 to 1984
    Jill Bergers 1984 to 1985
    Dianne Thomas 1985 to 1986
    Lois Gottsch 1986 to 1987
    Ann Bronson 1987 to 1988
    Merilee Hansen 1988 to 1989
    Judie Zinn 1989 to 1990
    Pat Goodroad 1990 to 1991
    Marty Eubank 1991 to 1992
    Joyce Harrop 1992 to 1993
    Jan Fry 1993 to 1994
    Cindy Erickson 1994 to 1995
    Bev Burchfield 1995 to 1996
    Deb Hysack 1996 to 1997
    Nancy Peters 1997 to 1998
    Julie Prescott 1998 to 1999
    Pat Varner 1999 to 2000
    Jamie Sculley 2000 to 2001
    Roberta Willet 2001 to 2002
    Jane Fiala 2002 to 2003
    Sandy Philgren 2003 to 2004
    Elizabeth Kannedy 2004 to 2005
    Dee Acklie 2005 to 2006
    Carol McCann 2006 to 2007
    Carolyn Marsh 2007 to 2008
    Jackie Heyne 2008 to 2009
    Kathy Havranek 2009 to 2010
    LaVonne Dunetts 2010 to 2011
    Susie Jarosz 2011 to 2012
    Corrine Mittag 2012 to 2013
    Carla Toczek 2013 to 2014
    Linda Holman 2014 to 2015
    Amy Robertson 2015 to 2016
    Angella Arndt 2016 to 2017
    Tammy Magill 2017 to 2018
    Windy Benigno 2018 to 2019
    Maureen Cass 2019 to 2020
    Nancy Wells 2020 to 2021
    Liz Fleming 2021 to 2022
    Tania Uram 2022 to 2023
    Eilene Hengen 2023 to 2024
  5. By-Laws

    Article I: Name and Location

    The name of the organization shall be the Omaha Quilters’ Guild. It shall be a non-profit organization meeting in the Metropolitan Omaha Area.

    Article II: Purpose†

    The Omaha Quilters’ Guild is dedicated to the appreciation and preservation of quilts and the perpetuation of the art and the craft of quilt making through education and participation.

    Article III: Membership

    1. Members shall be active in some places of the art of quilting and genuinely interested in the development and preservation of such arts.
    2. Members in good standing shall have paid the annual dues as required.
    3. All members in good standing shall be eligible to vote on matters pertaining to the policies and procedures of the Guild at general meetings.
    4. Only members in good standing shall be eligible for, or hold, elected office.

    Article IV: Annual Dues

    1. Dues shall be collected to meet operational expenses of the Guild and will be reviewed by the Executive Committee as needed.
    2. Dues are to be paid each year on or before the September general meeting.
    3. Potential members may attend two meetings before dues are required. After two visits, an invitation to join shall be extended for membership.
    4. Membership dues shall be required for entrance at the third meeting attended.
    5. Persons joining the Guild at any time during the year shall pay the full annual dues.

    Article V: Business Year and Meetings

    1. The general meetings shall be held nine times during the fiscal year. The fiscal year shall be from 1 July through 30 June.
    2. All meetings of the Omaha Quilters’ Guild shall be run by the Newly Revised Robert’s Rules of Order.

    Article VI Officers and Their Duties

    The business of the Guild shall be transacted through regular officers: a President, a President Elect, a Vice President of Programming, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and the Standing Committees. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Guild and the immediate Past President, with the President serving as Chairman.

    1. The President shall:

    1. Preside at all meetings
    2. Call and preside at executive meetings as needed.
    3. In the absence of the Recording Secretary and/or Treasurer, appoint an individual to serve pro-term.
    4. Appoint the committee chairpersons and coordinate the activities of all the committees.
    5. Perform all other incidental dues of the office as required.

    2. The President Elect shall:

    1. Assist the President and exercise all functions of the President in her absence.
    2. Be responsible for chairing a nominating committee which shall choose a slate of officers for the upcoming year.
    3. Perform all other incidental duties of the office as required.

    3. The Vice President(s) of Programming shall:

    1. Be responsible for planning programs of interest for presentation to the general membership at monthly meetings.
    2. Be responsible for planning workshops/seminars of interest to the general membership at times in addition to monthly meetings.
    3. Shall be filled by two officers serving two year terms to begin on alternating years. One term begins in odd years and one term begins in even years.

    4. The Recording Secretary shall:

    1. Keep records of all general and executive committee meetings.
    2. Perform all other incidental duties of the office as required.

    5. The Corresponding Secretary shall:

    1. Handle correspondence.
    2. Perform all other incidental duties of the office as required.

    6. The Treasurer shall:

    1. Have charge of all funds, receive dues, and disburse monies upon authorization of the executive committee and shall enter all transactions upon the ledger.
    2. Make reports at the general meetings as to the status of the treasury and submit same to the Recording Secretary on a monthly basis.
    3. Perform all other incidental duties of the office as required.

    Article VII: Nominations, Elections, and Terms of Office

    1. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the President Elect and further consist of one Past President, one executive committee member, a membership committee member, and two members-at-large.
    2. A slate of candidates shall be presented by the Nominating committee at the March meeting.
    3. The election of officers shall be conducted by acclamation or by ballot at the April meeting; terms will begin on 1 July.
    4. The term of office shall be one year, except for the Treasurer and a Recording Secretary, which are two years terms elected on alternate years. The terms for the two Vice Presidents of Programming are defined in Article VI, paragraph 3.
    5. Outgoing officers and committee chairmen shall turn over all books, files and data of the Guild pertinent to the office to their successors. The Treasurer and the Recording Secretary shall submit an annual report to the President Elect.
    6. Vacancies in any office, with the exception of President, shall be immediately filled by the Executive Committee for the unexpired terms.
    7. Attendance of an officer shall be mandatory. Any officer missing more than two consecutive board or general meetings without showing just cause shall forfeit her office and be replaced.

    Article VIII: Duties of Committees

    1. Committees shall be appointed as needed and dissolved by the President.
    2. Each committee chairman shall submit duplicate written reports to the President Elect at the end of her term. One report shall be retained by the President elect (President for the new year) and the other shall be part of the records turned over as designated in Article VII, section E.
    3. The Standing Committees can only be dissolved the Executive Committee, and shall consist of the following committees: Quilt Show, Newsletter, Membership, Historian and†Education/Speaker’s Bureau.

    Article IX: Quorum

    For the conduct of business, a quorum shall be constituted by 25% of the members in good standing.

    Article X: Amendments

    1. 1. May be proposed by any member.
    2. 2. Amendments shall be presented at a general meeting and voted upon at the next general meeting.
    3. 3. Voting shall be by voice or show of hands.
    4. 4. An amendment is carried by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote.
  6. Policies

    Advertising Policies

    1. All advertising must be directly related to quilting, quilting education and/or products or services related to quilting/sewing.  Quilt related activities of other guilds and/or related organization will be listed as space permits.
    2. All advertisements must be submitted to the newsletter editor and approved by the executive board members.  Once approved, the ad will be posted in the next available newsletter.  The editor/board reserves the right to refuse advertisements at its discretion.
    3. Advertisements will be limited to a 3.5″ x 2″ size.
    4. Fees to place an advertisement in the newsletter will be reasonable and determined by the executive board for the current fiscal year.
    5. Members who wish to bring flyers advertising quilting or other events to meetings may place their flyers at the membership table (as space permits).  These may not be distributed in the meeting room, or on the chairs, and must be removed from the membership table at the end of the evening.  Flyers may not be placed on vehicles in parking lots at OQG events.  Any flyers not picked up at the end of the night will be disposed of.
    6. No announcements or advertisements may be made during the meeting without prior approval from the President.  The only exception to this policy is if another guild or nonprofit group is selling raffle tickets on a quilt, in which case the quilt may be shown during the Celebration of Quilting portion of the program, with an announcement that raffle tickets are available.
    7. No individual or group shall be allowed to sell any merchandise or service in the confines of the space leased for meetings/shows/workshops by the OQG during such events.  The only exception to this policy is speakers/teachers who have made arrangements to have their merchandise for sale to OQG members and guests.
    8. The Information Table is for other not for profit groups to display materials about their group and their events.

    Quilt Show Policies

    To enter an item in the annual OQG quilt show, you must be a member of the Omaha Quilters’ Guild by the date quilt entry forms are due. Full fee membership ($35.00) will be required if you wish to have your quilt judged.
    Rules governing judging, country store, and other quilt show policies shall be at the discretion of the show chairman and her committee.
    The OQG Raffle Quilt and the Nebraska State Guild Raffle Quilt are the only raffle quilts for which tickets may be sold at the show.
    Only vendors who have been selected by the Vendor Chair and Quilt Show chair and have agreed to have a booth at the show will be allowed to distribute materials at the show.
    The Information Table is for other not for profit groups to display materials about their group and their events.
    Members of the executive board of OQG are the only ones who may sign contracts for the show.

    Web Page Policy

    At the current time, there is no advertising on the guild website. Links and Events must be submitted to the webstitcher by an Omaha Quilters’ Guild member in good standing to be considered for placement.

    Deposit Policy

    Deposit received for classes or events should not be considered refundable within 2 weeks of the class or event.  However, the deposit can be transferred to another person at any time.

    Snow Policy

    Our snow policy is that of District 66 Schools. If school is canceled in District 66 due to weather, we will not meet. Listen to 1110 am (KFAB) for school announcements.

Board Docs

  1. 2025 Board Reports

    Board Meeting Minutes

    • Will be posted as available

    Treasurer Reports

  2. 2024 Board Reports
  3. 2023 Board Reports
  4. 2022 Board Reports
  5. 2021 Board Reports
  6. 2020 Board Reports
  7. 2019 Board Reports
  8. 2018 Board Reports
  9. 2017 Board Reports
  10. 2016 Board Reports
  11. 2015 Board Reports
  12. 2014 Board Reports
  13. 2013 Board Reports
  14. Board Forms


    For fillable foms, please download the pdfs completely (rather than viewing in your browser), thank you! Send a copy of your report to the as well as the so that the website can be updated at least monthly.