Quilt Show

Join us for the Omaha Quilters’ Guild 46th Annual Quilt Show 

July 31-August 2, 2025

Scott Conference Center, 6450 Pine Street, Omaha, NE 
(in Aksarben Village)

Thursday,  July 31, 2025 – 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Friday,  August 1, 2025 – 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday,  August 2, 2025 – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

2025 Quilt Show Challenge Quilt Rules:

This year, we are bringing back the challenge fabric requirement.  Challenge fabric is available at all OQG meetings.  The fabric is a fat quarter and is $5. 

  • 1. Be creative interpreting this year’s quilt show theme: Diamonds! Dazzling Companions.
  • 2. Include a recognizable piece of challenge fabric at least 2 square inches (a piece 2” x 1” or two 1” squares) on the front of the quilt. It can be larger!
  • 3. The front of the quilt must contain a recognizable pieced or appliqué diamond shape. A diamond printed on fabric does not qualify.
  • 4. Size – No larger than 25 inches x 25 inches (Or a perimeter no more than 100 inches total)
  • 5. Entries must have a pieced or appliquéd front, backing, batting in-between, be quilted and bound.

Quilt Entry Deadline is May 13, 2025

PDF Entry Form

Quilt Turn-In will be July 11-12, 2025

Opportunity Quilt

“Stars Over the States”. Pattern by Judy Martin
From book Red, White and Blue Star Quilts, By C & T Publishing

Size 95 x 95 inches
Pieced by Kerby Selmer
Quilted by Fabric Bash

Volunteer Our quilt show is a great show and that is because of you! We rely on our volunteers.  Just a quick reminder that one shift of volunteer time will be needed for each entry in the show. (Hours for shifts vary.) 

Please sign up early to help us plan ahead! Volunteer Sign Up Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our SignUp 2025 on SignUp.com: https://signup.com/go/fNjyBoh
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up! It’s Easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.com.
Note: SignUp.com does not share your email address with anyone. Give it go! Thank you!
 – Bev Adams

Volunteer Opportunities and Descriptions

White GloveWear white gloves and help with security during the show. You will walk around and offer to show people the back of quilts and ask them not to touch the quilts. This person may also assist with Vendor Support as needed.(standing/walking position)
Vendor Support This person will be assigned to take reats to vendors or to watch a booth so that a vendor may have a quick break. This person may also assist with White Glove helper as needed. (standing/walking position)
Volunteer Check In Table Assists with show support of volunteers. As volunteers come in for their shifts, help them get their white gloves, direct to area they are supposed to help in. (seated position)
Set Up Assist with the set up of the quilt frames, hanging quilts and getting the show ready to go. (lifting up to 25 pounds, standing/walking position)
Ticket Taker Stand at the doorway and check wrist bands for entry into the hall. (standing position)
Photographer’s Assistant Assist the Photographer on her time schedule to capture the quilts on digital media (standing/walking position)
Admissions Table Two people will collect money and one person to welcome guests and vendors (seated position)
Raffle Quilt Sell Raffle Tickets (seated position)
Show CD Seller Take orders for a CD’s of the quilt show – (seated position)
Auction Support Assist show visitors with auction items, entering bids, getting bid numbers (standing/seated position)
All Day Volunteer Assist the show chairperson(s) as needed. Duties will vary as assigned. (standing/walking/seated position)
Take Down Catchers/folders of the quilts, frames take down, storage, quilt organizers/security after takedown. (lifting up to 25 pounds, standing/walking position)

2025 Vendors coming soon!

To become a vendor, please complete the vendor application (PDF).

2024 Vendors for reference only

Company NameCityStateWebsiteProduct
Acme Fabric and QuiltingBlairNEwww.acmefabric.comfabric/patterns/notions
Bernina Sewing Center OmahaOmahaNEwww.berninaomaha.comsewing & embroidery machines, sewing cabinets, notions
Bloomin’ MindsCouncil BluffsIAwww.bloominminds.comfabric, patterns, kits
Celtic Quilter LLCOmahaNEwww.celticquilteromaha.comsewing & embroidery machines, Accuquilt GO! Cutters & dies, fabric, kits, patterns, notions
DLG Designs Events LLCOsceolaNEwww.etsy.com/shop/DLGDesignsfabric, kits, patterns, notions
Fabric BashOmahaNEwww.Fabricbash.comsewing, embroidery & longarm machines, fabric, kits, patterns, notions
MangelsensOmahaNEwww.mangelsens.comfabric, kits, longarm services
Martelli EnterprisesPensacolaFLwww.martellinotions.comsewing workstations, cutting mats, rulers, lights, notions
Millard Sewing CenterOmahaNEmillardsewing.com/sewing machines, longarm machines, patterns, notions, repair
Mistletoe Quilting CompanyOmahaNEwww.mistletoequiltingco.com/longarm services
Nebraska Quilitng CompanyFremontNEwww.nebraskaquiltcompany.com/longarm machines, fabric, kits, patterns, notions, repair
One Wing WoolCushingWIwww.onewingwool.comhand dyed wool, patterns, kits, thread, floss, notions
Overbrook Quilt ConnectionOverbrookKSwww.overbrookquilts.comfabric, patterns, notions, kits
Prairie WoolensPaulinaKSwww.prairiewoolens.comwool, fabric, patterns, kits, notions
Quilters ParadiseMt. PleasantIAwww.quiltersparadise.comfabric, patterns, notions
Snuggles QuiltsOsageIAwww.snugglesquilts.compatterns, kits, notions
Stitchin’ by the RiverCAembroidery quilt patterns, dolls, pincushions
Tanzanian TreasuresOmahaNEfabric

2025 Judge: Sue Cortese

Sue Cortese is a quilter, fabric dyer, teacher, vendor and NACQJ Certified Quilt Judge. Her current work falls into the art quilt realm combining her love of dyeing and surface design into her quilted compositions. Growing up in Tonawanda, NY, her mother, and sisters spurred her creative nature with a variety of arts and crafts.  She started quilting 1995 while living in Green River, WY.  Helping to organize the first “Quilting on the Green” Quilt Show ignited her curiosity into judging and what makes a winning quilt.

After moving to Holland, MI in 1998, where she became an active member West Michigan Quilt Guild being involved in the program committee and show committee.  Membership has its benefits… and it led to part-time job at a quilt shop, both working and teaching.  Teaching fabric dyeing snowballed into selling hand-dyed fabrics to friends, eventually starting her own company (SELC Fabrics LLC) and vending at quilt shows around the state.

Her goal in the beginning was to make a quilt in every style and/or pattern.  This quest led Sue to taking a lot of classes and learn many different techniques.  She enjoys hand quilting as well as machine quilting, and hand applique as well as machine piecing.  Judging is a means for encouraging quilters, as well as promoting excellence in quilting for her.  Judging has helped Sue improve her work, and she hopes to help others through judging.  Sue have been fortunate to have her work displayed in both art galleries as well as renowned quilt shows around the country.